Sailing Mom Social

Sailing Mom Social

Calling all PBYC Jr Sailing Moms (past and present)! Ocean Gate Yacht Club is hosting a "Sailing Mom Social" on Thursday, 6/27 6-9 PM.

This is a good opportunity to meet other sailing moms and a good excuse for a night out! ?

If you're interested in going, please contact Jeannie Feliciano ASAP via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Since parking at Ocean Gate can be a challenge, maybe we can get a carpool going. 

Tickets are $10 per person and we need to RSVP to them sooner rather than later.

#jrsailing #sailingmom #lifeonthewater #saltlife

Event Information

Event Date 06-27-2024 6:00 pm
Event End Date 06-27-2024 9:00 pm
Individual Price per person
Location Ocean Gate Yacht Club

Venue Information - Ocean Gate Yacht Club

We are no longer accepting registration for this event